
Saturday, February 19, 2011

Back to Normal

Leafstar sat on High Branch. Her eyes swept across the clearing. They were lively, her pelt sparkled with frost that coated on their tips. Her tail flicked. She stood and looked around, not just at the cats but at everything. The murky color of the evening sky, the warmth of her breath as it swelled around her when she breathed out. Her eyes half closed, she felt as if she could just sit there forever. The moon was a foggy and soft shape behind a layer of fog, still luminescent enough to light the night sky.  She looked down at Burstkit, Mudkit, and Petalkit, they were six moons now! She blinked.

"All cats old enough to catch their own prey join for a clan meeting beneath High Branch!" She yowled and the clan gathered, except for Viperpaw who sat on the edge of all the other cats, not daring to sit, talk, or even look at another cat.

"Burstkit, Mudkit, and Petalkit! You have reached your sixth moon! It is time for you all to become apprentices!" The three stepped forward, their eyes sparkling. "Do you promise to uphold the warrior code and train as an apprentice of ForestClan even at the cost of your life?" She asked.

"I do." They all spoke loudly and with sureness.

"Then until you earn your warrior names you shall be known as Burstpaw, Mudpaw, and Petalpaw!" She called."

"Secondly, as many of you must know a loner came to our cam the other day. Her name was Cry. She will not be joining us yet, but she feels as if she may in the future and just wanted to check out what the clan was like." The clan nodded and seemed a little satisfied with this answer.

"Finally I would like Honeyblaze to organize two hunting patrols and a border patrol, that will leave camp soon after this announcement." Honeyblaze nodded and stayed close to her mate, smiling up at Leafstar.

"That is all! Clan dismissed." She leaped down, looking at almost every cat, her gaze lingered on the new cat, Wolfstorm for a moment before she turned and sat with Jaychaser.
Viperpaw sat alone, her golden eyes, flecked with silver, were cold and angry. She clawed at the dirt, her eyes unwavering.

"Still no friends?" Peakpaw's voice sounded all to kindly from behind her. "I'm not really surprised, without Nightstar scaring everyone into liking you, its useless for you to even think that you may get friends one day." He shook his head with a chuckle.

"Shut up Peakpaw." Her eyes burned, but again tears didn't come. She never cried. The one time she did Nightstar had slashed at her with her claws, making an ugly scar down Viperpaw's tail.

"You stupid flea-brain. You don't get it do you?" He laughed. "Everyone hates you." He shook his head. "Get used to it." He laughed with a bit of an evil ring to it.

"I SAID SHUT UP PEAKPAW!" Viperpaw yowled with rage and leaped at her brother, her claws out stretched to his next. She growled, she had enough of this. Every day, every time she tried to say something, he had been there, ruining it. Making others hate her every time. She dug her claws down into his shoulder, drawing blood from him. She snarled at him. The entire clan looked at her with a mix of terror and shock.

"Viperpaw." Acornpaw's soothing voice brought her back. She blinked wide eyed at Acornpaw, Blossompaw, and Fierypaw. They all looked at her with pity, they knew, everyone else looked at her like she was crazed. She hated both pity and the terror.

She let her claws off of her brother. She blinked, what had she done? Everyone stared at her. She turned to run.

"Run Viperpaw! You won't be allowed back!" Someone howled after her, and many snickers followed, then she heard the pity and sympathy that Peakpaw was getting. She could hear her littermates footsteps behind her. Finally the tears came, flooding her sight. She stopped and crumpled to the ground. Acornpaw, Blossompaw, and Fierypaw curled around her, and she wailed.

"Viperpaw We know. It's okay." Blossompaw's soothing voice purred.

"Blossompaw, she needs to let it out." Came Fierypaw's meow. They stayed like that for a long time, no one had come after them. She fell asleep there. She wasn't thinking of going back, and she wasn't sure if she would even be welcomed back.


Amber{Sharpstone} said...

Honeyblaze leaped onto a boulder, her pelt seemed as if it reflected the sunlight. "I would like Jaychaser to take Blizzardsight, Flashfire, and Dappledpaw on a hunting patrol, Wolfstorm to take Lionsound, Acornwing, and Fallenpetal, and Frozenpaw on a border patrol, and I will lead a hunting patrol taking Hiddenmist, Shadowfrost, and Sleetpaw!" Honeyblaze meowed loudly, and flicked her tail for her group to come where she sat. But before she left, she nudged her mate and murmured "You can rest and maybe later you and I can go to the stream to relax or something". She sat close to the entrance of the elder's den.

Wolfstorm smiled at Leafstar, and sat in the middle of the clearing. He sat there waiting for the rest of his patrol.

Shadowfrost trotted over to Honeyblaze, and sat down close to her. He blinked, he didn't get love still, even though Hiddenmist explained it to him. He sighed

Foxclaw paced forward to the nursery and smiled as he saw his wonderful mate sitting by the entrance. "Hey!"

Rinn (No Longer On Blogger) said...

Flashfire loped over to the patrol.

•◘Alice in Wonderland◘• said...

(Urgh! You had to put MY cats in them?! Dang...)

"Blizzardsight! Flashfire!" He called the two toms to him. Dappledpaw was already beside him and ready to go.

She padded to Wolfstorm. Her long black legs graceful.

"We only need Acornwing and Frozenpaw now." He smiled.

She purred and gracefully ran over to the patrol. "I bet I can catch more prey than you." She smiled at Shadowfrost with a challenge in her eyes.

He licked his mates ear. "If you say so." He purred and bounded away to the warriors den.

"Hi." She smiled back, her ears up.

He licked the wounds his sister had given him, others asked him if he was alright or if he needed anything. He even heard a few nasty comments about Viperpaw.

Amber{Sharpstone} said...

(Sorry... I didn't know that they were almost always your cats..)

"Feeling good?" Foxclaw asked GOldenfurze.

Wolfstorm nodded to Lionsound.

Honeyblaze's eyes flickered with happiness at the two warriors: Hiddenmist and Shadowfrost.

"Yeah, okay. Let's see if thats true" He stood up, challenge was in his mew.

•◘Alice in Wonderland◘• said...

"Why wouldn't I?" She purred and licked his cheek, ignoring the fact he may be talking about her shoulder.

He licked his already sleek golden tabby fur.

"Oh it is." She purred. She blinked at Honeyblaze, her look said that they were only friends. She couldn't do that to Acornwing.

Amber{Sharpstone} said...

"I hurt you badly in that battle" He stated.

Honeyblaze nodded to Hiddenmist.

Shadowfrost chuckled, "This will be interesting, won't it?"

•◘Alice in Wonderland◘• said...

"Yeah. You did." She replied a bit coolly. But not angry. "It was my fault." She paused for a moment.

"Well unlike you the prey can't see me-" She stopped herself. This won't be good if he knew about her.

Amber{Sharpstone} said...

"No it wasn't" Foxclaw meowed. "It was my fault for almost killing Quickpad's brother"

Shadowfrost cocked his head to one side, confused. Oh well. "The prey can't see you when you stalk it" He meowed, not really knowing.

•◘Alice in Wonderland◘• said...

"I jumped in the way..." She muttered.

Amber{Sharpstone} said...

Foxclaw sighed, and looked at Quickpad. Foxclaw then realized it was the right thing for Goldenfurze to jump in the way. A shiver rose up his spine, just the thought of Quickpad and other cats in the clan hating him for killing Quickpad's brother.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
•◘Alice in Wonderland◘• said...

(Viperpaw IS NOT IN CAMP. XD)

"His name is Darkshiver. Not Quickpad's brother." She nearly hissed at her mate.

Anonymous said...

Willowpaw watched Peakpaw, looked at the wounds on his shoulder. Viperpaw was really, really mean to him, all the time. It wasn't fair. She padded over to Peakpaw. "Are you okay?" she asked, cautious.

•◘Alice in Wonderland◘• said...

"Yeah." He smiled his sweetest most charming smile, all part of the delusion. "Thanks. Sorry you had to see her like that..." He muttered and shook his head.

Amber{Sharpstone} said...

"Sorry" Foxclaw sighed. How was I supposed to know?

•◘Alice in Wonderland◘• said...

She licked his cheek. "I love you." She purred.

☜♡☞☼cнιℓєpαη∂α☜♡☞☼ said...

Blizzardsight quickly ran to Jaychaser."You may all wan to wander away from me. I'm still not the best hunter even though I have sharpened my other senses." He smiled, staring forward with his glazed, green eyes.

Acornwing slumped over to Wolfstorm while glancing at Shadowfrsot and Hiddenmist. She really wanted to lighten up, hoping that Shadowfrost wouldn't think she was a moper.

Amber{Sharpstone} said...

"I love you too" He relaxed his muscles. He really loved Golddenfurze- he was lucky to get her. He twined tails with her.

•◘Alice in Wonderland◘• said...

She purred and laid down on the frozen ground, ready to fall asleep.

"With that attitude we will." He grumbled. He really didn't like anyone but Honeyblaze.

She sat alone, grooming her scruffy fur.

Amber{Sharpstone} said...

Foxclaw licked her cheek, noticed that she looked really tired and exhausted. He nudged her, "I'm going off to rest" and he trotted into the warriors den. He laid down in his nest, only thinking about GOldenfurze.

•◘Alice in Wonderland◘• said...

She turned and went into the nursery and curled up to sleep.

She sat with Marshpaw who looked very tired. They both talked though, happily.
-Marshpaw and Berrypaw

She sat alone.

Amber{Sharpstone} said...

"You guys, I'll be right back" Wolfstorm meowed, and paced over to Leafstar. "Hey!" He meowed, his eyes sparked with excitement.

•◘Alice in Wonderland◘• said...

"hi..." She murmered. She really had no social skills,she never talked to anyone.

Amber{Sharpstone} said...

Wolfstorm sat down, and looked at her. "Anything up?" He meowed, noticing that she murmured.

•◘Alice in Wonderland◘• said...

She shook her head. "I just don't normally talk to anyone." she admitted.

Amber{Sharpstone} said...

"Oh.." Wolfstorm looked away, but then back at her. He liked her. "Thats alright" He smiled.

•◘Alice in Wonderland◘• said...

(That means YOU TALK TO THEM! Not everyone is just going to come up randomly and say hi to your characters!)

"You wanna tell us something Dropletshimmer?" She laughed, her golden bell laugh. Her eyes dnaced. "Did you meet a special tom and not tell us?" She flicked her ears.

"Thanks." She smiled, she was warming up to this tom.

☜♡☞☼cнιℓєpαη∂α☜♡☞☼ said...

(OOOOOOOOOOOO Do you think her and Blizzardsight could be mates?)

Amber{Sharpstone} said...

Wolfstorm nodded, his green eyes seemed as if they flickered for a bit. "Your welcome Leafstar, wanna know what?" He sat down, and then meowed, "I was once like you. Like I wouldn't really talk-- I'm not saying that you don't talk, I just mean--" He sighed.

•◘Alice in Wonderland◘• said...

"I understand." She smiled. "But I prefer not to talk to anyone, it makes it easier to stay....distant and...well... unattached really..." She admitted.

Amber{Sharpstone} said...

Wolfstorm hid a frown. "I understand"

•◘Alice in Wonderland◘• said...

"No you don't" She muttered. He was hiding his frown, he didn't like the way that she saw it? He didn't understand how hard she tried to stay distant from her clan. She didn't want their hearts to break and for others to want to die if she did, like what had happened with Wonderstar.

Amber{Sharpstone} said...

Wolfstorm blinked, and looked towards the forest.

•◘Alice in Wonderland◘• said...

"I should go find Viperpaw and her littermates..." She sighed.

Amber{Sharpstone} said...

"If you want to" Wolfstorm meowed smoothly.

•◘Alice in Wonderland◘• said...

"You can come, I give you permission to come with me and leave your patrol. I may need help.." She muttered.

Amber{Sharpstone} said...

Wolfstorm's eyes brightened up. "Really? Thanks! I'll be right back to let my patrol know!" He dashed off, happy. He went to Lionsound, "Would you like to lead the patrol? Leafstar needs me"

•◘Alice in Wonderland◘• said...

"Sure." He sighed. "Try not to get on her bad side." He laughed lightly.

She waited.

Amber{Sharpstone} said...

"Thanks Lionsound" Wolfstorm meowed, then went back to Leafstar as fast as he could.

•◘Alice in Wonderland◘• said...

"Lets go." She bounded out of the camp. Her long legs carrying her gracefully over the frozen ground. Frost tipped her fur, making it catch the light, and looked at if she was glowing. She looked stunning.

Amber{Sharpstone} said...

Wolfstorm widened his eyes, and tried not to drool. Leafstar looked really beautiful! He moved his pace a bit faster.

•◘Alice in Wonderland◘• said...

She slowed and saw Viperpaw, Blossompaw was curled next to her. She could hear Viperpaw's cries from here.

She turned to see Leafstar and had a pleading look in her eyes.

"Leafstar...You don't understand!" She cried out. "He-he-he-" She stammered. Her eyes were filled with tears.

"You don't understand what he is like to her." His voice sounded from behind her.

Amber{Sharpstone} said...

"Whats going on?" He murmured to Leafstar. Everything was confusing him.

•◘Alice in Wonderland◘• said...

"Really bad sibling rivalry." She shook her head. "What does he do Viperpaw?" She asked lightly.

She rolled onto her back, revealing gruesome scars down her stomach. She quickly rolled back and stood.

"I have to tell the clan." She went to run.

"They won't believe you. Trust me. Peakpaw has already won them over by now" His voice sounded and he stepped in.

(Sorry Amber but I need you to play along like you get it, k?)

Amber{Sharpstone} said...

(Okay lol)

Wolfstorm gasped at the scars on Viperpaw's belly. They looked horrible!

•◘Alice in Wonderland◘• said...

"So we keep this a secret?!" She blinked shocked.

"I don't mind. I have you, and my littermates. I have all the friends I need." She shook her head. "But there is nothing we can do."

Amber{Sharpstone} said...

Wolfstorm stood beside Leafstar. Finally- but now I need to focus on this. I bet there is something we can do he told himself.

•◘Alice in Wonderland◘• said...

"Let's get back to camp." She sighed. "I won't let him touch you again." She promised the apprentice. And she bounded to the camp.

they followed, Viperpaw in the lead, looking just as stunning as Leafstar, but in a more dangerous , threatening way.

Amber{Sharpstone} said...

Wolfstorm was close on Leafstar's paws, even he vowed he wouldn't let Peakpaw hurt Viperpaw.

•◘Alice in Wonderland◘• said...

The burst into camp and they got hateful stares, directed at Viperpaw. Suddenly her littermates formed a protective wall around her.

He padded over. "Viperpaw. I forgive you for your outburst." He smiled.

"Go clean the nursery." She told him, a growl hinting in her voice.

Amber{Sharpstone} said...

Wolfstorm nodded in agreement, just the nod wasn't as obvious.

☜♡☞☼cнιℓєpαη∂α☜♡☞☼ said...

Trembleglade watched from across the clearing with confusion. Why was Leafstar suddenly so protective of the rude she-cat?

(Gosh, I really wish one of my cats understood Viperpaw, I feel so mean.)

squid said...

Flowheart purred at Morningpaw. "No more battle for a long time!" she meowed to her apprentice. "Sometime this afernoon, we should go and collect some herbs! Want to?" Flowheart glanced over her shoulder at the issue. I won't get involved. she thought.

•◘Alice in Wonderland◘• said...

(They can't. It's important.)

She padded off. Her eyes glaring at anyone who would glance at her.

☜♡☞☼cнιℓєpαη∂α☜♡☞☼ said...

Morningpaw smiled."That would be fun! It will be my first time!" She began dreaming about how great a medicine cat she would be, especially with Flowhearts help."Where should we go?"

Anonymous said...

Willowpaw purred when Peakpaw turned back to her after fogiving Viperpaw. "It's fine. How do you deal with...with Viperpaw's attacks? How to you cope?"

•◘Alice in Wonderland◘• said...

"I really don't know. I just have always tried to forget..." He admitted.

•◘Alice in Wonderland◘• said...

"You wanna tell us something Dropletshimmer?" She laughed, her golden bell laugh. Her eyes dnaced. "Did you meet a special tom and not tell us?" She flicked her ears.

•◘Alice in Wonderland◘• said...

(Can you tell me what they look like so i can help?)

"What's his name?" She asked, how had she not noticed Dropletshimmer expecting? Could sh possibly be lying, no! She had just been distracted was all!

•◘Alice in Wonderland◘• said...

"Where is he?!" She stood. She wanted to see this tom.

(White: Icy, Freeze, Slush, Flutter)
(Black: Night, Shadow, Dark, Sliver, Running, Fleet, Stalk)
(Grey: Sleet, Shimmer, Slate, Shale, Granite)
(Silver-Grey: Brook, Bank, Boulder, Slick)

•◘Alice in Wonderland◘• said...

(Black and White: Spotted, Speckled, Light, Mallow)

•◘Alice in Wonderland◘• said...

She looked a little doubtful but accepted it. "Horrible mate he is.." She grumbled and licked her swollen belly. "What are their names?" She asked kindly.

•◘Alice in Wonderland◘• said...

"I like it!" She purred. Her eyes flashed. She looked at Mudkit and Petalkit. Then to Cricketkit. "It will be nice for the others to have someone new to play with!" She smiled.

•◘Alice in Wonderland◘• said...

She nodded. She started grooming herself. "Thats nice." She smiled.

•◘Alice in Wonderland◘• said...

He blinked up from his sleep and looked around. He saw the new kits and nudged his sister, Petalkit to wake up.

"Hi!" She padded over, her brown eyes deep and kind. "I'm Cricketkit! Who are you?" She asked and tilted her head.

•◘Alice in Wonderland◘• said...

"Nice to meet you Brookkit!" She smiled widely. Her brown eyes glittering. "That's Mudkit and his sister Petalkit over there!"

•◘Alice in Wonderland◘• said...

She giggled softly.

(Should Riseshadow kit soon?)

•◘Alice in Wonderland◘• said...

(Umm he doesn't even know her yet and they are only kits!

☜♡☞☼cнιℓєpαη∂α☜♡☞☼ said...

(Oh my cheez-it! Can I play a kit?)

squid said...

Flowheart looked thoughtful. "How about the Great Oaks? There ought to be lots of herbs and berries around that area. Where do you think we should go?" she asked Morningpaw.